
Handel E, Smith W, Wang C, Toffaletti J. Precision of HemoSonics Quantra QStat Cartridge to determine coagulation function and fibrinolytic status of samples assessed at 3 locations within medical center. American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA; July 24-28, 2022.


Handel E, Smith W, Wang C, Toffaletti J. Precision of HemoSonics Quantra QStat Cartridge to determine coagulation function and fibrinolytic status of samples assessed at 3 locations within medical center. American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA; July 24-28, 2022.

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Whyte C, Rastogi A, Ferguson E, Donnarumma M, Mutch N. Comparison of fibrinogen concentrates to cryoprecipitate in restoring clot integrity and stability against fibrinolytic degradation. International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) 2022 Congress, London, UK; July 9-13, 2022. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2022;6(Suppl.1). PB0624.

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Teissandier D, Lucchini C, Bouillon-Minois J, Schmidt J, Sinegre T, Morand C, Lebreton A, Moustafa F. Assessment of Quantra Analyzer on life-threating bleeding under oral anticoagulants agents: a pilot study. International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) 2022 Congress, London, UK; July 9-13, 2022. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2022;6(Suppl.1). PB1015.

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Wahl C, Cornillot C, Maison M, Lhotellier L, Yangaju K, Dalibard M, Macraigne L, Lopez V, Chhing A, Frere C, Saheb S. Evaluation of the ultrasound sonorheometry based Quantra System to monitor hemostasis in patients undergoing plasma exchange therapy. International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) 2022 Congress, London, UK; July 9-13, 2022. Res Pract […]

Llau JV, Madrid E, MartÍnez E, Narváez L, Galarreta M, Armero R. Procoagulant pattern of COVID-19 patients at ICU admission assessed by new viscoelastic test device Quantra. Euroanaesthesia 2022, Milan, Italy; June 4-6, 2022. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2022;(e-Suppl. 60):247 (abstract 12AP01-07).


Llau JV, Madrid E, MartÍnez E, Narváez L, Galarreta M, Armero R. Procoagulant pattern of COVID-19 patients at ICU admission assessed by new viscoelastic test device Quantra. Euroanaesthesia 2022, Milan, Italy; June 4-6, 2022. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2022;(e-Suppl. 60):247 (abstract 12AP01-07).

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Tiquet B, Pihan F, Tifrea M, Tifrea A, Denizou M, Philippe P, Orsel I, Marsaud JP, Jouan J, Vandroux D. Intraoperative validity of point of care during partial heparin neutralization. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EACTAIC) and International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia (ICCVA) Joint Virtual Congress; October 27-29, 2021. J […]

Roussiaux A, Halchini C, Ducrocq N, Bigeon JY, Burtin P, Lorne E. Retrospective evaluation of economy in blood products transfusion for cardiac surgery patients thanks to a point-of-care viscoelastic test. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA; October 8-12, 2021.


Roussiaux A, Halchini C, Ducrocq N, Bigeon JY, Burtin P, Lorne E. Retrospective evaluation of economy in blood products transfusion for cardiac surgery patients thanks to a point-of-care viscoelastic test. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA; October 8-12, 2021.

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Salimi N, Gonzalez-Fiol A, Fardelmann KL, Yanez D, Abdel-Razeq S, Alian AA. Comparing the use of Quantra vs. rotational thromboelastometry for point of care viscoelastic testing. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA; October 8-12, 2021.