Quantra Connectivity Solutions
- Transfer results to an EMR/EHR/LIS
- Makes using POC devices throughout institution scalable
- Centralize all POC device test results into one Middleware system
- Manage mis-identified patient and out of range QC results

- Monitor and manage operator certifications
- Increases Operational Efficiency, Centralizes All POC Device Data & Reporting, Enables Compliance to QC and User Management
- Enables POC deployment throughout institution and reduces "sneaker-net"
POC Middleware
Receives From poct
- Operator lists
- Device date/time
- Patient demographics
Sends to poct
- Internal QC
- External QC
- Patient test results

Quantra Desktop Remote Viewer
Quantra Receives
- User login/password to Quantra for authentication
Quantra Sends
- Active patient test results
- Historical patient test results and trends*

POC Middleware
Receives From poct
- Operator lists
- Device date/time
- Patient demographics
Sends to poct
- Internal QC
- External QC
- Patient test results
Quantra Desktop Remote Viewer
Quantra Receives
- User login/password to Quantra for authentication
Quantra Sends
- Active patient test results
- Historical patient test results and trends*

POC Middleware
Receives From poct
- Operator lists
- Device date/time
- Patient demographics
Sends to poct
- Internal QC
- External QC
- Patient test results


Quantra Desktop Remote Viewer
Quantra Receives
- User login/password to Quantra for authentication
Quantra sends
- Active patient test results
- Historical patient test results and trends*